Friday 18 May 2018

The Grind Gauntlet: Kawasaki Ki-61

This is the idea I have considered doing for some time.

Load up World of Warplanes, select a progression aircraft from my current "Nation of Mood" and play til I win, up to and no more than three consecutive battles. Now, this isn't a new concept, some streamers on other media formats do this type of thing (with their own conditions) on a regular basis, but I haven't started it myself.

One of the reasons for doing it is to see in myself what psychological changes take place if the first or even second battle end in defeat. Does frustration and/or disappointment dull the nerves and senses? Does the weight of not winning one battle carry over into the next? Using myself as a test subject, I am curious to see the answers to those questions.

On the flip-side, the main reason for not starting this experiment is the length of time a person would have to sit and watch my serial performances, up to 45 minutes of me talking, flying and shooting up the sky. I am sure there are folks out there that have better things to do with their time (I do appreciate those who have tuned in thus far and have continued to stick around).

Nevertheless, I put the question to you, should I do this or not? Would you be willing to spend nearly and hour watching my adventures in World of Warplanes with a tech tree plane, no matter the outcome? Is there another way I could have asked a similar question?

While you consider that, here is the first video on that concept, demonstrating a more positive psychological change at the end....

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