Friday 16 February 2018

The Bomb Bus With Wings

His name was SeamusMacMattain.

Way back in the pre-launch days of World of Warplanes, the tier IV LBSh was a regular, tech tree aircraft. During that time, the same tired and long forgotten Sh-Tandem was being tested as the premium offering, later to be removed and the LBSh became the premium itself, replaced by the BSh-2.

When the game rolled into 1.0, I thought I had enough premium Attack Aircraft to suit my needs and plans, but there was this one player who....I don't know....inspired me to seriously consider making a purchase.

He had a real passion for his LBSh, which included using it in ways that broke with how aircraft was "supposed to be" flown. I fought battles with him and of course, against him, watching and learning. Over time, I worked up enough courage to try to emulate the techniques I observed him performing.

It wasn't until 1.4 I finally decided to put an LBSh of my own into my hangar, not that I really needed it at that point. Sadly, the player who originally convinced me that acquiring this plane would be a very good idea and I learned so much from just left the forums shortly after my purchase and hasn't been seen with my eyes in the game ever since.

So, SeamusMacMattain, here's to taking my rusty bird into these post-2.0 skies....

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